Hours: Mon – Fri :8 AM – 8 PM | Sat: 8 AM – 4 PM
382 Thayer Street, Providence, RI 02906  |  111 Wayland Ave #1, Providence, RI 02906 |
260 Waseca Ave, Barrington, RI 02806

Fax: (401) 226 0137 | Contact@pvdpsych.com

Surprising but Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety

Surprising but Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety

There is certainly not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to anxiety management. It is important to be open to trying many different types of strategies, even if they sound odd or silly. It is also very important to know that you need to learn exactly how to use the tools...
Subtle, and Not So Subtle Red Flags

Subtle, and Not So Subtle Red Flags

The relationship seems to be developing at warp speed and while the intensity may seem exciting, if you really step back to think about it, it does not quite make sense. Often times, unhealthy relationships start out too quickly and this should give you pause to...
No Contact Rules With Exes

No Contact Rules With Exes

It can be difficult enough to move on after a breakup, but when there is an established dynamic of continuing to contact your partner (and vice versa) after the relationship ends, this can turn from difficult to toxic. These types of contact can be hurtful and...
So You Think You’re a Workaholic? Now What

So You Think You’re a Workaholic? Now What

As is the case with many behaviors that have an addictive pattern, workaholism is reinforcing, and so you may feel you benefit from the behavior and have difficulty recognizing that it is problematic. Especially in our society, where achievement, independence (as...