Why We Should Stop Procrastinating and How to Combat It
Why We Should Stop Procrastinating and How to Combat It
Imagine you have a task to complete—a report due next week, a project you’ve been meaning to start, or simply an email you need to respond to. You know it’s there, lingering on your to-do list, but you find yourself pushing it to the back of your mind…again. Somehow, cleaning the kitchen, checking social media, or binge-watching that series you’ve already seen looks far more appealing. Sound familiar?
How to Approach Substance Abuse and Encourage Going to Therapy.
How to Approach Substance Abuse and Encourage Going to Therapy.
The stories can be heartbreaking – once they were a bright, promising individual, filled with ambition and hope. Now, they find themselves trapped in a cycle of addiction; their potential dimmed by the destructive grip of substance abuse. This is a story shared by countless individuals in a silent struggle that often goes unnoticed until it reaches a crisis point.
Is it Stress or is it Anxiety?
Is it Stress or is it Anxiety?
Lying in bed waiting for sleep, but it doesn’t come easily because your mind is racing through stuff. It feels like you’ve only just dropped off and you’re suddenly awake again, facing your alarm clock and it’s 2.33am. Now your heart is pounding and all the possible things that could go wrong tomorrow are flooding into your head. This is anxiety.
Is Imposter Syndrome Ruining Your Potential as a Student?
Is Imposter Syndrome Ruining Your Potential as a Student?
Have you ever aced an exam, only to feel like a fraud? Or perhaps you’ve landed a prestigious internship, but doubted your qualifications? Don’t worry – you’re not alone. You might be experiencing imposter syndrome; a psychological pattern where high-achieving individuals doubt their accomplishments and fear being exposed as a “fake.”
5 Ways To Use DBT To Reduce Conflict During COVID
5 Ways To Use DBT To Reduce Conflict During COVID
One of the unexpected outcomes of COVID-19’s presence in our world is the divisive nature of our feelings and actions about it. One of the unfortunate outcomes of dealing with the pandemic has been its divisive nature. It seems to have only amplified a divide in the country, with some individuals being very cautious while others are not.
5 Ways That Negativity Affects Brain Chemistry, and What to Do
5 Ways That Negativity Affects Brain Chemistry, and What to Do
Our thoughts have a profound impact on our brain chemistry and basic physiology. Our bodies are programmed to respond in certain ways to different situations. Our thoughts have a profound impact on our brain chemistry and basic physiology. Our bodies are programmed to respond in certain ways to different situations. Based on your appraisal of, or thought about, a given situation, your brain will have a specific chemical reaction which communicates to your body how to respond
How to Tell if Your Partner Resents You, and What to Do
How to Tell if Your Partner Resents You, and What to Do
Resentment in a relationship can destroy positive feelings, respect, and warmth your partner otherwise felt toward you. Instead of being your cheerleader and biggest fan, they may start to hold you back from opportunities or activities you enjoy.
5 Signs of ‘Walking Depression
5 Signs of ‘Walking Depression
Walking Depression is not an official medical term. It refers to a clinical presentation of depression that is easily disguised and which allows the sufferer to go about their daily life without anyone knowing anything is wrong. Synonyms for walking depression include high functioning depression and apparent competence.
6 Tips For Staying Sane During the Holiday Season
6 Tips For Staying Sane During the Holiday Season
It’s not news to anyone that the holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year for many. From conflict with family and financial strain to just plain stress about having an enjoyable time and making sure others do, too, this time of year can present many challenges.
8 CBT and DBT Skills To Use This Fall And Winter
8 CBT and DBT Skills To Use This Fall And Winter
During a “normal time,” the approach of the cooler months can elicit feelings of dread. Many struggle with seasonal depression and are impacted greatly by the shorter days, having less time outside, less social interaction due to changes in weather, and the holiday…
Is Telehealth The Future of Therapy?
Is Telehealth The Future of Therapy?
Prior to COVID-19, therapists were starting to get more comfortable utilizing Telehealth to deliver therapy services to clients. This was an appealing option for those with very busy schedules or who had difficulty traveling to a therapy office.
How To Keep Negative Thoughts From Ruining Your Relationship
How To Keep Negative Thoughts From Ruining Your Relationship
Negative thoughts can be the ultimate relationship killer. We know from research that there is a very tight feedback loop between a person’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors so having negative thoughts can definitely send you down the rabbit hole. It is important to know your unique thought patterns that can lead to major relationship problems.
Surprising but Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety
Surprising but Effective Ways to Manage Anxiety
There is certainly not a ‘one size fits all’ approach to anxiety management. It is important to be open to trying many different types of strategies, even if they sound odd or silly. It is also very important to know that you need to learn exactly how to use the tools in the right way
Subtle, and Not So Subtle Red Flags
Subtle, and Not So Subtle Red Flags
The relationship seems to be developing at warp speed and while the intensity may seem exciting, if you really step back to think about it, it does not quite make sense. Often times, unhealthy relationships start out too quickly and this should give you pause to consider how whether you are setting the foundation for a healthy relationship dynamic
10 Tips for Parents with Eating Disorder Histories to Avoid ‘Passing it On’ to Their Children
10 Tips for Parents with Eating Disorder Histories to Avoid ‘Passing it On’ to Their Children
Eating disorders and body image concern are unfortunately very frequently intergenerational, or passed from one generation to the other. We can presume that some of this is due to biological factors that predispose
No Contact Rules With Exes
No Contact Rules With Exes
It can be difficult enough to move on after a breakup, but when there is an established dynamic of continuing to contact your partner (and vice versa) after the relationship ends, this can turn from difficult to toxic
So You Think You’re a Workaholic? Now What
So You Think You’re a Workaholic? Now What
As is the case with many behaviors that have an addictive pattern, workaholism is reinforcing, and so you may feel you benefit from the behavior and have difficulty recognizing that it is problematic