Hours: Mon – Fri :8 AM – 8 PM | Sat: 8 AM – 4 PM
382 Thayer Street, Providence, RI 02906  |  111 Wayland Ave #1, Providence, RI 02906 |
260 Waseca Ave, Barrington, RI 02806

Fax: (401) 226 0137 | Contact@pvdpsych.com

How to Tell if Your Partner Resents You, and What to Do

How to Tell if Your Partner Resents You, and What to Do

Resentment in a relationship can destroy positive feelings, respect, and warmth your partner otherwise felt toward you. Instead of being your cheerleader and biggest fan, they may start to hold you back from opportunities or activities you enjoy. Once a relationship...
5 Signs of ‘Walking Depression

5 Signs of ‘Walking Depression

Walking Depression is not an official medical term. It refers to a clinical presentation of depression that is easily disguised and which allows the sufferer to go about their daily life without anyone knowing anything is wrong. Synonyms for walking depression include...
6 Tips For Staying Sane During the Holiday Season

6 Tips For Staying Sane During the Holiday Season

It’s not news to anyone that the holiday season is one of the most stressful times of the year for many. From conflict with family and financial strain to just plain stress about having an enjoyable time and making sure others do, too, this time of year can present...