Hours: Mon – Fri :8 AM – 8 PM | Sat: 8 AM – 4 PM
382 Thayer Street, Providence, RI 02906  |  111 Wayland Ave #1, Providence, RI 02906 |
260 Waseca Ave, Barrington, RI 02806

Fax: (401) 226 0137 | Contact@pvdpsych.com

Why We Should Stop Procrastinating and How to Combat It

Why We Should Stop Procrastinating and How to Combat It

Imagine you have a task to complete—a report due next week, a project you’ve been meaning to start, or simply an email you need to respond to. You know it’s there, lingering on your to-do list, but you find yourself pushing it to the back of your mind…again. Somehow,...
Is it Stress or is it Anxiety?

Is it Stress or is it Anxiety?

Have I got Symptoms of Stress or have I got Anxiety? Lying in bed waiting for sleep, but it doesn’t come easily because your mind is racing through stuff. It feels like you’ve only just dropped off and you’re suddenly awake again, facing your alarm clock and it’s...
Is Imposter Syndrome Ruining Your Potential as a Student?

Is Imposter Syndrome Ruining Your Potential as a Student?

It’s estimated at least 80% of the general population experiences imposter syndrome at some point in their lives. 1  Have you ever aced an exam, only to feel like a fraud? Or perhaps you’ve landed a prestigious internship, but doubted your qualifications? Don’t worry...